
the autism archive

If you’re overwhelmed by all the research and personal stories related to autism, gut health, and nutritional psychiatry, you aren’t alone. The Archive shares the evidence and unpacks the nuance surrounding integrative and functional medicine and biomedical interventions for autism nutrition.

Breta Alstrom Breta Alstrom

supplements for autism

Finding the right supplements for your kiddo can be incredibly overwhelming. Don’t worry! This post contains my favorite kids supplements for 5 important nutrients, what to look for in a supplement, when to supplement, and when to use food.

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Picky Eating Breta Alstrom Picky Eating Breta Alstrom

3 Tips for Picky Eating

Picky eating is one of the biggest stressors for parents. I won’t even try adding imagery to take you back to a stressful moment at the table because if you’re here, that feeling is probably fresh. Here are three tips to get you started with understanding your child, expanding their diet, and achieving mealtime peace.

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Breta Alstrom Breta Alstrom

natural laxatives for kids

Many families prefer to try natural methods before medications. Addressing the underlying cause of constipation will not only improve gut health but can also impact behaviors like food refusal and low appetite.

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Breta Alstrom Breta Alstrom

best kids multivitamin

So what are the BEST vitamins?

This really depends on what your child will tolerate. To be mindful of different sensory needs, I’ll share the my favorite multivitamins in each category- chewable, liquid, gummy, powder. There might be specific vitamins that are best for your family, but the following options meet a variety of needs based on your child and families nutrition values.

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